Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Low-Carb Lunch!

I just made these two dishes for the first time for lunch today. I wanted something "taco-ish" so went to one of my favorite low-carb site: All Day I Dream About Food

Oh. My. Word. Delicious

Recipes below.

Then I made these yummy Blonde Brownies...

Sorry I didn't take a pic of the actual brownie. Was in too big of hurry to taste it. 

They're sooo good! 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

February 2017 Release - A Note Yet Unsung

the third Belmont Mansion novel
Coming February 2017

A master violinist trained in Vienna, Rebekah Carrington manages to wheedle her way into an audition with the Maestro at the newly formed Nashville Philharmonic. But women are "far too fragile and frail" for the rigors of an orchestra, and Rebekah’s hopes are swiftly dashed because the conductor—determined to leave his mark on the world of classical music—bows to public opinion. To make matters worse, Adelicia Acklen Cheatham, mistress of Belmont Mansion and Rebekah’s new employer, agrees with him.

Nationally acclaimed conductor Nathaniel Tate Whitcomb is Nashville’s new orchestra leader. And despite a reluctant muse—and a strange buzzing and recurring pain in his head—he must finish composing his symphony before the grand opening of the city’s new opera hall. But far more pressing, he must finish it for the one who first inspired his love of music—his father, who is dying. As Tate’s ailment worsens, he believes Rebekah can help him finish his symphony. But how do you win back a woman's trust when you’ve robbed her of her dream?

As music moves us to tears yet makes our hearts soar, A Note Yet Unsung captures the splendor of classical music at a time when women’s hard-won strides in cultural issues changed not only world history—but the hearts of men.

And in case you haven't read the first two Belmont novels…

Friday, July 8, 2016

Christian Fiction Readers Retreat - NASHVILLE, AUG 24

Want to attend the 2016 Christian Fiction Readers Retreat with me...and 30+ of my closest author buddies?

Get all the info HERE!

Have you ever attended an event like this? SO looking forward to it, and hope you can join us!

Let me know if you're planning to be there!

What's happening in our world

As I watch the tragic news unfold in Minnesota and Baton Rouge, and last night in Dallas, I'm reminded of something I posted on Facebook back in May. I'm so grateful for these words from Anne Graham Lotz that I've repeated to myself many times since first hearing them… 

So much pain in the world, so much hatred and heartache. But even if you were to gather all of it up, from every corner of the world, it wouldn't begin to compare with the enormity and power of the transforming love of Christ Jesus. No matter what you're dealing with today, or what fears you may have for the future, know that Jesus is in control of it all. Nothing is happening that he cannot—and will not—handle. Nothing is outside of his rule. 

Praying for all those involved in these tragic circumstances, that they'll seek help and healing in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Because there is no other way.

"If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn't looking for him and doesn't recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you." John 14:15-17

Blessings, friends,
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