Late one night last weekend, my daughter Kelsey called me and said, "I've found the prettiest antique desk!" So I quickly got online to La Vie En Rose Cottage's Facebook Page and viewed it, and it was a beautiful little desk!
Next day, Kels and I went to look at it. And while the above desk is lovely, it was a tad small for her needs. But when we turned around, we saw this one!
An 1850s restored desk with hutch with original drawer pulls and hardware, and it was love at first sight. For us both! I thought about challenging her to a leg wrestling match in the parking lot, but the loving mother in me won out––though just barely––and she bought the desk!
You can't see it in this picture but it's got some pretty antiquing on it and has some wonderful little cubbies. The desk is being delivered to Kelsey's house tonight, and I can't wait to see it again, and then after she has all of her "pretty things" inside.
There's something special about owning a piece of furniture or item that's seen some years and that's touched so many lives. This desk was originally in a seed store up in New England, the Connecticut area, for about sixty years then went home with the owner when the store finally closed and was sold. It stayed in their family for many years. Then the desk "somehow" made its way South, then just recently, the desk found its way (thanks to Jenny Light, the owner of La Vie En Rose Cottage) to a beautiful little antique boutique in Nashville, and––tonight––is finding its way to the home of a young woman who plans on taking great care of it and passing it down to someone else some day.
Here are some glimpses of other items at La Vie En Rose Cottage....
Don't you love these kind of old doors? (That's Kelsey snapping a pic, btw.) They had several old windows, too, that have been restored and can be used to hang necklaces or other jewelry. People can think of such clever things!
They have LOTS of jewelry too. Both antique and "newly old."
I found a couple of vintage books while there...
A romance from the 1800s. Have you read this one about the red-haired, hot tempered doc? It's actually free on Kindle.
I read this Nancy Drew mystery as a young girl and it's fun to have a 1930s copy.
Allison, wherever you are, if you're ever reading this and you want your book back, tough noogies, gal! Just kidding! Well, sort of. : )
Also, if you're looking for a specific antique item, Jenny Light is willing to take note of that, and––as she's visiting estate sales and rummaging antique shops––if she finds that item, she'll take a pic and send it to you, then you can discuss whether you want her to buy it for you. Pretty nice deal! You can contact Jenny here:

Me with my sweet daughter, Kelsey