The group meets twice annually, in the spring and fall, and I'm looking forward to being with them on Monday, May 7th to share about A Lasting Impression, the first Belmont Mansion novel, and about Adelicia Acklen, the born-before-her-time woman who built this magnificent antebellum home.
Event Details
Belmont Auxiliary Partners Luncheon*
Monday, May 7, 2012
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Cost for the luncheon is $40 ($20 of the cost to be donated to the Belmont Auxiliary Partners Endowed Scholarship and is tax deductible.)
*There will be an additional opportunity to enter the drawing for a Belmont prize package once you arrive.
Must RSVP to belmontevent@belmont.edu by May 2, 2012, and include your name and phone number.
Hope to see you there!