Saturday, August 4, 2012

Annual Retreat with writing buddies

Every July I meet a group of writers (and soul sisters) up in Idaho to plot and plan our next books, and what fun we have! We laugh, and plot, and brainstorm, and eat, and walk, and laugh some more, all amidst five days of "close to Heaven" fellowship. I'm so grateful to have these extraordinary women in my life!

The whole motley crew

Hard at work, can you tell?

Relaxing on the back deck

Brandilyn Collins listening intently (or about to fall asleep?)

One amongst us LOVES Rolos. Can you tell who?

A lovely gift from a writing buddy

Every year Janet makes the BEST fruit salads!


Friend and writer Robin Lee Hatcher, brainstormer extraordinaire! During the retreat, I share a room with Robin, and ahem…on occasion we've been known to stay up late and talk. I know it's hard to believe...

Me with Janet between brainstorming sessions

Three of us have size 9.5 feet and over... Can you guess who these feet belong to? (Click here and view the comments for the answer)

The traditional picture on the stairs

I'm a little cold natured so enjoy sitting in the sun in the early mornings

Another group shot (Oh, I love these women!)

Brainstorming with Sheila

Gorgeous flowers are in bloom this time of year 

Caught chatting in the upstairs hallway

Funning around with Tricia Goyer

Frani and Brandilyn, master brainstormers (and jokesters)

Me getting tickled at something Frani did

And getting even more tickled!

More beauty in nature

And the pretty!

After a walk...

A precious little Yorkie named Bear joined us this year too

And finally, our traditional "Tada!" picture. Another wonderful time of sharing and singing and fellowship behind us. I can hardly wait for July 2013! (L to R: Tricia Goyer, Brandilyn Collins, Karen Ball, Janet Ulbright, Robin Lee Hatcher, Francine Rivers, me, Gayle DeSalles, Sheila Lovell, Sharon Dunn. Sunni Jeffers is normally in our number but couldn't make it this year.)

Don't you love your sister time! And aren't we grateful for the women in our lives...
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