Thursday, September 20, 2007

Away in Dallas...

Thanks for the great response to Tricia's book! She really appreciates it, and we'll have that drawing for her book on Monday!

I'm currently in Dallas at the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference, and am having a great time. I've already met with two writers who signed up for a paid critique with me (waving to Jill and Amy) and look forward to meeting with the rest tomorrow. Plus I teach a workshop on dissecting novels on Saturday and look forward to that. I love to teach!

Let me remind you of the book signing coming up on Saturday. If you live in the area, I'd love to see you (as would a slew of other authors)! Click here for more details.

Here's a quick snapshot of me with two new writer buddies I met tonight following dinner, Sherrie Ashcraft and Christina Berry (mother and daughter, no less!):

More pics coming! But I've got an early morning meeting tomorrow and am heading to bed! I'm rooming with that cantankerous Deborah Raney and she just wouldn't stop talking last night! And I did everything in the world to discourage her!

And if you believe that... ;)
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