CBD invited me to visit and speak to their employees (who are so kind and welcoming), and we even got to tour the warehouse. Fascinating how every order is coded on the side of a box then sent down a conveyor belt where it "knows" when to get off at which station. At which time the "pickers" put in whatever the customer has ordered from their area, then send the box on down the line where the computer reads the side code label and directs it where it needs to go next. Phenomenal operation!
Here are some pictures from my visit! After speaking, we held a book signing for all CBD employees so we got to visit.
And FYI...if you want to order From a Distance for $8.99 (about the lowest price around, I think), use Catalog #271481 when you place your order and it'll give you that discounted price (but only through August 17, 2008). It's item #ZS203893.
And FYI...if you want to order From a Distance for $8.99 (about the lowest price around, I think), use Catalog #271481 when you place your order and it'll give you that discounted price (but only through August 17, 2008). It's item #ZS203893.

Charlene Patterson, one of my editors at BHP,
and Steve Oates, VP of Marketing at Bethany House.
It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know them better!
Well, Charlene, at least...
(Just kidding, Steve! Big hugs!)
The rest are of CBD employees who, again, were fantastic
or of me speaking (blah, blah, blah...).

Lastly, I want to point out Michelle O'Donnell (pictured above, middle in the green) who is a buyer for CBD and who was our gracious hostess that day. Michelle, thanks for making us feel so welcome and for all the great laughs, even though I'm no Ted Dekker (who is her absolute favorite author!) ;~)